
Monday, November 1, 2010

Each and everyday? Nothing less than that!

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In my previous article I stated that daily practice is essential.

Do you really mean "daily"? Every single day? You are kidding, aren’t you? Sometimes you just don’t feel like doing yoga… or you have something better to do!

Yes, I am really serious about it :-) every day – no excuse, no exception!

Is this actually realistic? Is it even possible to do something on a daily basis for a lifetime?

Yes, I think so! Because we do a lot of things every day: eating, drinking, washing (about dental hygiene we’ve talked already :-)… why can yoga not be one of these things?! Why do we never ask ourselves, do I really have to eat today again?! That’s torture – maybe I don’t fancy eating today! but at the same time question our yoga practice again and again? That was subject of my previous article.

Is it possible that only you are so extreme?

I honestly don’t think so.

Swami Shivananda Saraswati said once that he did not even want to miss a single day of his yoga practice due to the profound physical and psychical effects on him.

And H. David Coulter explains in his unique book Anatomy Of Hatha Yoga, why this makes sense even from the anatomical point of view – more on this in my next article.

In addition I know several other absolutely normal people who have been doing yoga on a daily basis for years.

Uncountable factors can be the reason for an imbalance: daily stress, exhaustion, constant information overflow, inattentive and inadequate diet, environmental toxins, not enough exercise and so on. The second thermodynamic principle - entropy increases in every system – is also true for our life… and eventually, sooner or later, when our body gets completely out of balance and we die, entropy will win this match.

Therefore: every attempt to counterbalance this chaos tendency by doing yoga eases the pain, heals wounds and restores - magically! - the order and brings us peace, room and time.

What exactly my daily yoga practice looks like is another question. It depends on long-term goals and is constantly adapted to current and urgent needs – no room for boredom here ;-). The main thing is: daily!

Thus follow the example of the turtle in Achill’s tale: take one step every day, no matter how small or slow, and you will cope with even the greatest challenges in your life. Each little daily step makes sure you realise that you are still alive, that you do something for your life and that you don’t - never ever – give up. This will give you physical and psychic strength: you confirm every day anew that you can, that you want and that you know how to and that you act accordingly. Base your yoga practice on this foundation and you will move forward with assurance: each day anew, each day more intensive.

Take your daily yoga practice like the elixir of Life – every single day!

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