
Thursday, November 4, 2010

David’s Anatomy ;-)

Coulter - Anatomy Of Hatha Yoga.jpg

Today I want to recommend the book: The anatomy of Hatha Yoga by H. David Coulter, which I’ve already mentioned in my latest article (the fact that I mention an anatomy book as the first book in my yoga blog speaks volumes ;-)

Coulter, lecturer of anatomy, has been working on this book for 25 years.

He is not only an expert in anatomy but also a yoga practitioner. In my opinion he knows more than anybody else about the effects of yoga on our bodies and gives a detailed and understandable explanation about it in his book.

His book explains a lot of things we experience in our yoga practice without being aware of it (e.g. Why is it easier to meditate in a slightly elevated position?)

Two more little exemples:

a) Knowing about the myotatic reflex you understand better why you are supposed to do all movements in yoga very slowly.

b) In his explanations about the Golgi system (dictyosom) he illustrates the positive effect of daily yoga practice on flexibility (I can see which way the wind blows ;-)).

Conclusion: a wonderful book, not only for yogis but for every one who wants to understand the impacts and effects of yoga on our body.

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